Your right wing propagandist spin on Walz being involved with Minnesota TRA is a slap in the face to teachers in Minnesota.

If you were writing in the NYT vs the NY Post, we we’d be more apt to hear you.

Do better!!!!

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I can understand there are lots of biased publications, but I don't see any evidence of political bias in this piece. Can you point to any specific parts that you believe are incorrect or misleading?

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First, it’s in the New York Post, which is a sensational tabloid.

And it is a blatant attack on Walz.

Even if Walz knew anything about the TRA pension issues in Minnesota, which has been going on for 35 years, he is not on the TRA Board, which has also been stated in his other publications.

He was hired by MN teachers to find what has happened to mismanagement of pension funds over years.

He is trying to blatantly blame Walz, which is NOT what we signed up for.

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