
Funny how the Rhode Island State Treasurer didn't ask the only person who's ever investigated the state pension (3Xs)-- a forensic expert-- to offer his insights regarding Raimondo's so-called "pension reform." Raimondo's "pension reform" morphs into Diossa's "pension theatre."

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Please help this pension group PAWG -Pension Advisory Working Group) in trying to restore our colas that raimondo took and gave to Wall Street as you know and wrote about.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Some states like Ohio-a red state that not only appreciated what you find out and discover but do something about it. Unfortunately I cannot say the same about the former state I was born in, a very blue democratic state that saw your results and recommendations and did nothing. It seems the spineless RI GA are afraid of the former Governor now Commerce Secretary (raimondo) who by the way is useless as ever since she’s done nothing about the Panama Canal situation.

There is a movement right now that hopefully will succeed in restoring the cola or some of it, that she took from pensioners and gave to Wall Street (as high fees) but with this Speaker of the house, her former campaign manager, I won’t hold my breath.

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RI needs to mandate that SS must be paid by each city and town for teachers. These communities should not get new hires until they do.

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Sounds like Rhode Island! The Raimondo fiasco wages on. There are 6 pension meetings being sponsored by the State Treasurer office. #3 was a 6 hour testimony by the workers.

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Mr. Seidle I hope you are paying attention to what is happening in Rhode Island. We would deeply appreciate comments from you to the PENSION ADVISORY WORKING GROUP! They meet again in a few weeks and retirees will have the opportunity to make their case to restore our COLAS gentreasurer@treasury.ri.gov

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