Deception is perception and becomes reality.

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When governors, mayors, AGs, state auditors, pension trustees, SEC, FBI are all telling teachers there is no problem, what do you expect? Deception is perception and becomes reality.

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The Kentucky Teacher union KEA has been lax, not to say complicit- in this theft. The union was alerted to the theft- they were even made defendants in a pension lawsuit- and yet chose to side with the private equity firms- and are now paying the price and , unfortunately, so are KY’s clueless teachers.

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I head the SEC is now going after short selling, maybe because they are exposing the private equity guys. People need to understand our govern is mostly in the hands of the thieves who rob us

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Thank you for all you do to try and help ,pensioners …….

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After years of attempts to get KY teachers to pay attention to the theft of their pension, I have reached the disappointing conclusion that KY teachers play the role of sheep : natural prey for the wolves of private equity. I tried.

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